To register as a Category judge go to Category Judge Registration. You will be contacted by email with more information and judging times.
Be sure to check these links to pages on the website that you will find useful:
Category Judges: These judges evaluate all projects at the science fair and their assessment is used to rank the projects for Division and Category awards. Project judging will be assigned based on the specific background and expertise of each judge. In your registration, you self identify your willingness to be a category judge.
We are seeking a diverse judging pool of university and college graduates including professors, teachers, student-teachers, professional scientists and engineers, health care professionals, technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research associates. Some projects need to be judged in French and require fluently bilingual judges.
Returning and new volunteer judges must register by clicking the link at the top of this page.
Judging categories are:
- Human Health Science
- Life & Earth Science
- Physical & Mathematical Science
- Engineering & Computing Science
Before the Day-of-Fair:
In-Person Fairs: Category judges will be assigned between 4 and 6 projects to judge during the evening session of the science fair. All category judging is completed during this evening judging session. An e-mail will be sent to each category judge about 1 week before the fair, to notify you that project assignments have been made and directing you to go to the Fair Registration / Log-in Page and that you should login and see your judging assignments. At this time, you will be able to review the Project Board submissions prepared by the students for your assigned projects. On judging day, you will meet the students in person to ask questions and discuss the project, and then complete an on-line assessment form. For your help, we have attached a useful guide on how to be a good science fair judge which has good advice on how to interact with the student on the day-of-fair.
The Project Board and Category Judging Schedule will be available approximately 1 week prior to the day-of-fair in an in-person science fair.
Judging Schedules to be announced
If you have any questions about registering as a judge or need further information about judging, please contact us at