Contact Us:


If you have any questions that are not adequately addressed in the FLASF web site and you need to contact someone in the FLASF Committee, please ask the relevant contact below (NOTE: We do not have a phone number, so you must contact us by email)


FLASF Chair:

FLASF Chair: General questions about FLASF and anything not specifically covered by others identified below. If you are not sure who the best person to contact in the list below, then ask the Chair.       chair<at>


Student Coordinator: Any question about eligibility, on-line student registration, project requirements, permission forms and registration fee        students<at>
Safety Coordinator: Any questions about the safety policies and project set-up (if you have any special requests for your project display, please discuss with the Safety Coordinator)           safety<at>
Ethics Coordinator: Any questions about the ethics policies, procedures and ethics approval forms (if your project involves animal or human testing, you must contact the Ethics Coordinator before the day-of-fair)           ethics<at>


Outreach Coordinator: Any question about student participation, FLASF outreach program, class visits to the fair                    outreach<at>

Judges and Special Awards:

Judge Registrar: General questions on judging, judge registration (Category, Special Award and Best-of-Fair), judge qualifications and scheduling                     judges<at>
Special Award Judging: Specific questions on special award judging and special awards                 specialawards<at>
Chief Judge: Any question on judging, including project evaluation criteria, Best-of-Fair judging, judge assignments, judging procedures and policies                        judges<at>


Volunteer Coordinator: Any person that is interested in volunteering on the Day-of-Fair (this does not include judging - see above) to help out in the operation of the fair. This includes helping out at registration desks, setting up project tables, tabulating judge marks, etc. Please discuss with the Chair to find out what is needed and how you can help!     chair<at>


Sponsor Coordinator: Any question about sponsorship of FLASF including current sponsors and any organisation interested in becoming a sponsor.          sponsor<at>


Ali Crawford

Communications Coordinator
