Attention Judges
To view your assigned projects, please log in by clicking the following: <link to be added>
Be sure to check these Links to pages on this website that you will find useful:
*****Judges, please read below the pre-fair report chart for more information and judging forms.
Pre-Fair Reports:
Please note that students are not able to preview these reports when they register and therefore some formatting and special characters may not display correctly. Please do not penalize the students for problems of this nature.
Click on the appropriate link(s) to display the desired pre-fair report section(s). The pre-fair reports will be available, about 1 week before the fair.
Division\ Category |
Life and Earth (x1xx) | Physical and Math (x2xx) | Computing and Engineering (x3xx) | Human Health (x4xx) |
Primary(1xxx) | 11XX | 12xx | 13xx | 14xx |
Junior(2xxx) | 21xx | 22xx | 23xx | 24xx |
Intermediate (3xxx) | 31xx | 32xx | 33xx | 34xx |
Senior(4xxx) | 41xx | 42xx | 43xx | 44xx |
Category Judging Schedule
- The Category Judging schedule is set approximately 1 week before the day-of-fair. The release of the schedule is largely determined by the student registration deadline as we must know exactly how many and what type of projects are expected at the fair. In addition, we must know how many judges are available and their preferred discipline and skill level they wish to evaluate. This judging schedule you show which projects you will judge and at which times between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm of the first day of the fair.
- Once the judging schedule is set, each category judge who has a completed registration will receive an email, directing them to log-on to:
The Fair Registration / Log-in Page
- (using your user name and password) and to click on the link 'Click the Judging Schedule' which is found on your home page.
- This will give you a list of the projects, in order, that you will judge the evening of the first day-of-fair. By clicking on the Project title of each of these projects, you will be linked to the Pre-Fair report for that specific project. There are 5 judging time slots (each half hour between 6:00pm and 9:00pm). We will give you a copy of your judging schedule when you register on the First Day of Fair which will identify the times that you have been assigned to judge each of these projects.
- Please read through the pre-fair report and complete your assessment of the report on the appropriate marking sheet.
- You can download the Judging Forms here:
Primary Judging Form (for Project Numbers 11xx)
Junior/Intermediate/Senior Judging Form (for Project Numbers 22xx, 33xx and 44xx)
Bring the marking sheet to the fair to complete your project assessment.
If you have registered as a judge and have not received a notification regarding your judging schedule a few days prior to the day-of-fair or if you log-on to the Fair Registration site and there is no judging schedule available for you, please contact us immediately at: Judges<at>
Pre-Fair Reports
The pre-fair reports will be published approximately 1 week before the day of fair. This is the earliest that all reports will be available, largely determined by the student registration deadline. Access to these reports will be from this page, which will be updated when the pre-fair reports are available. The pre-fair reports are sorted by the four Age Categories and four Technical Divisions.
Category Judges: You will be able to access these reports to allow you to evaluate the projects that have been assigned to you before the day-of-fair.
Special Award Judges: You will be able to access these reports to allow you to pre-review all the projects prior to the day-of-fair to help you focus your project evaluation to those projects that meet your specific special award criteria on the day-of-fair.
If you have any questions about the pre-fair reports, please contact us at: Judges<at>